So we got everything moved over into my mom's room last night. Danny came over and moved the heavy stuff out of my room and my dad's office, as the men who are laying down the new flooring came early this morning. My mother had to trapse him into her bedroom where I was sleeping to look at the floor in her closet. I hid under the blanket and felt ridiculous. She couldn't wait until I got up and got dressed - no. She had to do it right at that moment. I felt like an idiot, as I was still attached to my CPAP machine, so the hose was sticking out from under the blanket. Sometimes, I have no idea what she's thinking.
My stuff is all in my mom's room, so I slept in her bed last night. It was very weird. First of all, she takes Tylenol PM to go to sleep because her doctor told her not to take the sleeping pill but it was ok to take Tylenol PM, which I think is really stupid. It takes about 3 hours for the pill to kick in (actually, I don't think it works; I think she just thinks it works). In the meantime, she doesn't stop moving her legs. The bed kept moving and it was getting a little irritating but I didn't say anything. Who am I to talk? I'm a huge restless sleeper. In fact, for some reason, I ended up sideways in the bed last night. In my sleep, I kept wondering why my legs were hanging over the end of the bed; I figured I just scooted down to the end. But no - I had turned sideways and was head to head with my mom who was also sleeping but was confused as to why she kept bumping into me. Finally, I opened my eyes and I realized what I had done and quickly turned around and went back to sleep. It was very weird. I have no idea what I was dreaming about, but it must have been pretty active to find me sideways in the bed.
When I was a little girl, I would sleepwalk into my closet, then cry when I didn't know where I was or how I got there. My dad would come and rescue me after he figured out where I was. Another time, I got into the bathtub and turned the water on because I was going to take a bath. The problem was that I had my pajamas on and was sleepwalking. Thank God I don't do that anymore - surfing in bed is bad enough. When Shanti sleeps with me, I am conscious that she is next to me so I don't toss and turn so much - but she does enough for the both of us. When Rocky slept with me, he was so big that it prevented me from moving around a lot too. But when Kita slept with me, I was real careful not to squish her as I tossed and turned. One time, she let out a squeal because I missed and landed on her as I turned. After that I was very conscious of her tiny little body sleeping right next to me. There's something peaceful about having a "being" sleeping right next to you, whether it be your spouse, a pet or a child. I find it very comforting.
My mother, however, is not the "being" I am talking about. As long as she stays on her side of the bed, I'll try harder to stay on my side, and we'll be fine. It's a king size bed, so it shouldn't be a problem. She also talks in her sleep. I'm writing this now and looking at her sleeping and she just said something but I couldn't hear what she said. Now I know that if I didn't have that CPAP machine crammed up my nose, I would probably be talking as well. We would both be having conversations to each other in our sleep. It's all very bizarre. We happened to take a nap at the same time today and she yelled out in her sleep, saying, "No, no, no, no, no!" I tapped her on her shoulder and said, "Mom, you're dreaming." She woke up for a minute then went back to sleep. She sounded so desperate and it really bothered me. I guess we're all guarded for the most part when we talk and share things with others - but when you're sleeping and you do that, I think it comes out of a real place baring no facade, and it is real, raw emotion.
Well, I'm really tired now and I've been putting it off, but I need to go to bed. She's still squirming around so she must keep waking up, but hopefully she will be fast asleep soon. Oh well; hopefully, I will sleep vertically tonight....
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