Friday, November 11, 2011


I was drinking my coffee this morning, looking out the window and I saw what looked like a cat or big bird, perched on the roof of a house across the street.  So when I went out later in the afternoon, I drove right next to the house and sure enough, there is a cement statue of a large cat or a huge owl - I couldn't tell which - lodged right there on their roof.  How odd, I thought.  Why would someone do that?  Some peoples' sense of art or decoration is very odd.  I love art and I love exotic and peculiar things, but that just looks stupid

It goes along with the yards of some people that are made out of white stones.  I mean, the yard isn't grass, but it's all stones.  Who would want to walk on that, and how is that appealing?  You see a lot of that in Florida, and I would guess it's because the people don't want to upkeep their lawns, but if I spent the money on a house, I would definitely have a nicely landscaped lawn as well.  It's more inviting.  The houses with the stones look like the Flintstones live there, and very unappealing.  It's like you're waiting for their car made out of rocks to come reeling out of the garage. 

I said before that the people drive here, generally, very slow, because of course, they're all old.  But every now and then, I get someone behind me who sits right on my tail trying to get me to drive faster.  This happened the other day, and I looked in the rear view mirror and this little old lady, clutching the steering wheel with both hands, was right on my tail, looking agitated because I was going 5 miles over the speed limit - too slow.  The picture of her in my mirror made me laugh, so just to annoy her a little more, I drove a bit slower.  I can be mean like that at times.  When I drove my car in Madison, I would shout out the window to the driver in back of me, "Go ahead and hit me, you moron; I need a new car!"  Of course they never do.  Anyone who has ever ridden in the car with me can readily see that I got my license in Chicago.  I'm definitely a Chicago driver.  Not that that's a bad thing - it just means that I yell a lot and drive like a maniac at times.  After all, I learned to drive on the Dan Ryan, and if you don't know what that is, ask someone.  It's a crazy highway in Chicago and you have to be crazy to drive on it.

And now, it's the "season" down here, and traffic has picked up considerably.  So now all the crazy nothern drivers are here, combined with the slow-poke old people who live here year round, which causes great chaos.  As much as I can't stand Florida, I must admit the weather right now is beautiful.  And so I understand why the northerners trapse (another Yiddish word, much like "schlep") down here.  My choice, however, would be California - not Florida.  Because it's beautiful there with low humidity and no mosquitoes.  I love to sit outside and at night, it's unbearable in Madison because of all the mosquitoes.  Sometimes there are so many that they could probably carry you away - or at least bite you away.  The same is true for Florida.  I don't know why God made mosquitoes.  They're obnoxious and serve no good purpose.

One of these days, I want to go and look at motorhomes at a business closeby.  My dream has always been to travel the country in a motorhome when I retired.  Who knows, maybe I'll actually get that opportunity one day.  When Micah was a little boy, he would always tell me that he was going to get me a motorhome when he was a big boy.  Hmmm...  Maybe I should go and hit him up on that now....

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